We convert all of your phone calls into booked jobs - and proactively make outbound calls to schedule new jobs, renew agreements, and SELL new contracts.
text & live chat
Never miss another lead! We build funnels & pipelines with LIVE AGENT CHAT to book jobs 24/7. We connect to ALL Channels - Chiirp, Facebook, Email, High limit!
Our team of CSRs create positive and memorable first impressions of your business. Whether as your full office team or overflow & after hours for your internal office.
Our Dispatchers get to know YOUR unique processes. We book directly into your calendar, keeping your technicians busy and optimizing their route efficiency.
We'll build your automations and KPI reporting so you can understand your numbers, increase conversions and nothing ever falls through the cracks again.
The Sunshine Story
Who Are Sunshine Partners?
Is Sunshine right for my business?
Let's get down to business
The Sunshine Difference
Flexible pricing that caters to your needs with
Our Plans
weekly subscription fee
24/7 Answering Service & Appointment Setting*
Includes Live Sunshine Agent Answering Service, Appointment Setting & Live Chat
Phone Calls: $1.97/minute
Live Chat: 3 minutes**
$2/New Bookings By Agent*
MMS $0.50
*Agents book with online link only. Does Not Include Full Dispatching (techinician selection, routing etc). For our Amazing Dispatch Agents, Go For Sun-Route.
**Live Chat Requires Subscription
weekly subscription fee
Full CSR & Dispatch Team
Includes Sun-Lite + technician dispatching & routing, email, text, and lead management (Angi, Yelp, etc)
Phone Calls: $2.27/minute
After Hours Dispatching: $41/week
(8pm EST - 8am EST)
$4/New Bookings By Agent
$32/New Service Plan/Agreement Sold By Agent
per build*
Custom Builds and 24/7 Support
Leverage our team of Automation Experts to build custom workflows, campaigns and triggers. Includes 24/7 support in your chosen software solution.
*Software subscription and set up fees not included​
Out-Bound Sales Team
Our team of professional outbound sales agents specialize in engaging with customer list to increase total revenue and keep you busy during the slower months. Tired of not having enough calls during the shoulder season? With our proven outbound solutions we can guarantee you never experience another slow period.